Hier spricht der End-User
Hugh McLeod sammelt Manifeste aller Art (hier gibt's mehr Infos dazu). Die guten veröffentlicht er. Eines davon nennt sich das "End-User Manifesto" und listet die wichtigsten Punkte, die man im Hinterkopf haben sollte, wenn man Webstuff produziert.
Meine persönlichen Favoriten daraus:
Meine persönlichen Favoriten daraus:
- Don't waste my time.
- Keep your pop-ups to yourself. The only thing that's helpful in a pop-up format is your help system, where I can learn something without losing my place.
- I have music, thanks. No sound effects or music with your advertisements, if you must have them.
- Get to the point. Put the focus of your page on what I'm looking there to learn, not on someone else's advertising with your information hidden below the flashing duck.
- W3C standards compliance. How I get to your site is my decision. No, I'm not buying a specific type of computer just to fill out your form because you decided that ActiveX components were the quick way out of the development cycle. If you're going to be Web-based, then attempt to understand that the Web is not yours.
- Test your stuff. I'm not your employee, and you're not paying me to test your site or your software.
- Tell me a compelling story. This applies to weblogs, corporate sites, fan sites, any site. I'm visiting you to learn something, even if it's just a good story about something you're selling or the day you had. Good stories inspire conversations, and markets are built on those.
zuckerwatte - 7. Jan, 12:46 über Rundherum
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