Lernen 2.
Gefunden am Blog von Scott Younge-book über holistisches Lernen (pdf)
Was es ist:
Holistic learning is the opposite of rote memorization. Instead of learning through force, your goal is to create webs of information that link together.
● Your goal when learning anything is to create a construct or an underlying understanding.
● Constructs are formed from models, chunks of understanding that aren't completely
accurate but can be used to solve problems.
● You create webs of information, constructs and models by visceralizing, metaphor and exploring
● Holistic learning works with highly conceptual information where there is an underlying system. It doesn't work well with arbitrary information or skills.
Was es ist:
Holistic learning is the opposite of rote memorization. Instead of learning through force, your goal is to create webs of information that link together.
● Your goal when learning anything is to create a construct or an underlying understanding.
● Constructs are formed from models, chunks of understanding that aren't completely
accurate but can be used to solve problems.
● You create webs of information, constructs and models by visceralizing, metaphor and exploring
● Holistic learning works with highly conceptual information where there is an underlying system. It doesn't work well with arbitrary information or skills.
zuckerwatte - 7. Jun, 22:24 über Tools&Technik