Shopping 2.0 ist: is a service that allows you to submit cool, hot, beautiful stuff, preferable with a link where it may be bought. If enough people agree that it is hot it will get promoted to the front page and thus exposed to a broad audience. This way provides a unique way to stay informed about everything beautiful money can buy.
und das ist mein Favorit: der mad-mother-psycho-duschvorhang :-)
und außerdem: ein Projekt aus Deutschland. is a service that allows you to submit cool, hot, beautiful stuff, preferable with a link where it may be bought. If enough people agree that it is hot it will get promoted to the front page and thus exposed to a broad audience. This way provides a unique way to stay informed about everything beautiful money can buy.
und das ist mein Favorit: der mad-mother-psycho-duschvorhang :-)
und außerdem: ein Projekt aus Deutschland.

zuckerwatte - 7. Jun, 22:46 über Social Software
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