Karim Rashid
Wieder mal ein paar interessante Gedanken aufgeschnappt. Komme gerade vom Vortrag von Karim Rashid zurück. Organisiert von der Angewandten im Rahmen der Vienna Design Week. Seine - offenbar kompromisslosen - Zugänge zu Design finde ich bemerkenswert:
My real desire is to see people live in the modus of our time, to participate in the contemporary world, and to release themselves from nostalgia, antiquated traditions, old rituals, kitsch and the meaningless.
My real desire is to see people live in the modus of our time, to participate in the contemporary world, and to release themselves from nostalgia, antiquated traditions, old rituals, kitsch and the meaningless.
zuckerwatte - 3. Okt, 22:26 über Trends
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